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Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka


The ICMS Ministry in Sri Lanka started some 10 years ago in 2005. “Out of the blue” the Lord placed a burden on my heart for Sri Lanka. There were impressions, circumstances (the tsunami in 2004) and friendship with Sri Lankans. Then God sent us a 'man of peace' we could work with.


This was followed by an exploratory trip which confirmed God's calling for us to start a work in Sri Lanka, focusing on the un-reached remote villages. We started a 'Train the Trainers' programme and the Lord sent us a team of dedicated pastors and leaders who gave themselves to the ministry, over and above their regular responsibilities.


The initial years required some difficult sowing but the fruits began to appear in the third year. The rest is history. Largely by word-of-mouth, the reputation of the Church Planting Institute (CPI) programme spread and there was a need to manage the number of participants through a selection process. By early 2015, more than 300 churches and home groups have been planted. The work continues to expand to the various districts of Sri Lanka.


Glory to God!


In addition to the CPI programme, we are also engaged in discipiling and mentoring a group of pastors and business leaders.


Dieu Eng Seng

Events In Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Mission Trip | 7-12 August 2017

This mission trip to Sri Lanka comprised sharing with both Graduating and Advanced Timothy's as well with Pastors.

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