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Japan is a land known for its efficient transport system, technological sophistication, incredibly industrious, unified, orderly and polite people, scenic beauty and, rich culture and history. An interesting mix of the old and the new.


In January 2012, at our ICMS annual retreat, the Lord spoke to us that "it is the 'kairos' time for Japan, go and be part of this great revival". More recently, the word was given to us from Zechariah 4:6, "Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit."


We sensed that it is time for a step in the right direction and we must not remain inactive.


We believe, the Lord of Hosts will do it and will cause a revival
to take place in a miraculous way and He will receive all the glory!

Since then, ICMS has brought teams into the Yokohama and Tokyo regions for a Christmas outreach, worked with a social enterprise company and other NGOS,

In June 2015, ICMS sent a mission team to Yokohama, Tokyo and Fukuoka where they met with pastors, ministry leaders and businessmen for a time of consultation, sharing and prayer. The team was blessed with new insights and a better understanding of the culture and values of the Japanese people, which will allow us to plan and pray more effectively and strategically.


We believe:

  • Japan is on the verge of a mighty revival and the Lord Himself will bring it to pass.


  • God has called ICMS to play a part in His Great Plan. Our role is to listen to Him and be obedient to His calling.


  • ICMS will play a catalytic role, mentoring Christian business leaders and the business community, discipling and mentoring small groups of like-minded leaders.


  • We will work with parachurch organisations.


  • We will move in the power of the Spirit, using the gifts of the Spirit for witnessing and ministry.


The Lord is calling believers to "alignment" in these last days. If we align ourselves with God and do the things He wants us to do, with the people He provides for us, then our way will be fruitful and prosperous.


"Of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, their chieft were two hundred: and all their brethren were at their command." 
1 Chronicles 12:32


If you have an interest for Japan, do give us a call.

We would like to share our vision with you.

Thomas Lee

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