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Cambodia has changed, and is continuing to change at a rapid pace, as if to make up for lost time. The skyline is dotted with high-rise buildings; mega shopping centres are sprouting up, and the roads in Phnom Penh are filled with more cars than ever. Its international airport is expanding to accommodate more airlines flying in from several countries. Today, home buyers are placing deposits even before the building is completed.


How different it was 15 years ago.


I remember in 1999, when we first stepped foot in Phnom Penh, we were told to stay indoors after 7 pm. The streets were poorly lit and danger lurked in the night.  Today, people are still found in parks lining the riverfront after 7 pm, and restaurants are open late into the night. Moreover, Phnom Penh is no longer the dustiest city in the world. The average life span is now 63 years. The population is estimated to be 15 million (2012) with more than 50% aged 25 years and below. These are post-war children who did not experience the traumatic years of 1975-1979 under the Khmer Rouge where 1.5 to 3 million people died due to the war, starvation or disease. Cambodia has indeed come a long way.


I believe the country is prospering because the Gospel of the Kingdom of God is freely preached in this nation. ICMS was privileged to respond to God's call to start the Phnom Penh Bible School in 1991. Today, we are working with a couple who was one of our first graduates. From this partnership, we have trained more than 500 church planters through our CPI training programme and established more than 200 churches in various parts of Cambodia.  Since 2014, we have also partnered with another couple from Singapore to train church planters in Siem Reap. Three batches numbering about 35 have graduated and begun to serve in various congregations.


We are extremely grateful that our school, Glad Tidings International School (GTIS) in Kompong Speu is doing well. Looking back at 2007 when we first opened our doors, we had three students registered on the first day. However by the third year, our four classrooms were running two sessions and bursting at the seams. By the grace of the Lord, we had purchased 1.7 hectares of land which now accommodates a four-storey building, a two-storey auditorium, canteen which support up to 450 students (single session). There are also three blocks of two-story dormitories for the teaching staff.

In August 2015, we are thankful that one of the nine Grade 9 students who received an A in the recent National Exams hailed from GTIS. All our 21 Grade 9 students achieved 100% passes (above average and good) at the National Exam. GTIS has consistently produced good results over the past three years. Praise the Lord! 

GTIS is the only Christian private school in Kompong Speu. Besides the local curriculum, the school offers English, Maths and Science. GTIS emphasises character building based on the Word of God. Our vision is to transform a nation  through education based on the Singapore model. She would not be what she is today if not for the early missionaries who established top schools which have produced good leaders to this day. 

GTIS is run in partnership with Glad Tidings Church. We are thankful to the church and the many well-wishers who contributed generously to the school. 

Cambodia for Christ! 
Richard Toh

Executive Director, ICMS 


Support towards Glad Tidings International School: 

If you feel led to contribute, please send your cheque made payable to: ICM Singapore. (Back of cheque please state ‘GTIS’), please mail your cheques to"

ICM Singapore 
2 Kallang Ave
#04-13, CT Hub@Kallang
Singapore 339407 
For enquiries, please call 6336 0019


Support towards Glad Tidings Primary and Secondary School: 

Please click here to download the sponsorship form to sponsor a student today!
Student Sponsorship Form
(In partnership with Glad Tidings Church)

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