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In the beginning

Wee Tiong Howe was the founding president of ICM(S) from 1990 to 1996. His involvement in missions  began in 1985 when he was baptised in the Holy Spirit. 
By divine appointment, in 1985 Tiong Howe met up with Khoo Hin Hiong, Founding President of the International Christian Mission (Inc). Four years later in 1989, on a mission trip to Palembang, Indonesia, the Lord impressed upon Tiong Howe to raise up marketplace executives to preach the gospel in Asia and beyond. A pro tem committee was formed, and International Christian Mission (Singapore) “ICM(S)” was registered as a society in 1990, with Tiong Howe as the Founding President. The pro tem committee comprise Brother Ng Kwee Choo (Chairman), Brother Benny Ong (vice chairman), Brother Edward Ong (secretary), and Sister Wong Kok Yee (treasurer). Subsequently, new board members included Lee Peng Khim, David Hu, Ellen Aw Yeoung, John Teo, David Chia, Philip Ong, Ronald Seet and Leong Sow Hoe.

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Wee Tiong Howe stepped down as president of ICM(S) in 1996, and John Teo was elected to replace him. John remained at the helm until 2005.

As the newly elected president of ICM(S), John spelt out ICM)S)’ strategy in his message, “Partnership Strategy and Spiritual Warfare”.

John said, “There are three strategic partnerships that ICM(S) needs to realise and recognise if we are to be successful in what God has called us to do; that is, we need to partner with God in World Evangelisation; second, we partner with local churches in the target location; and third, we partner with home churches, individuals and other Christian agencies to  fulfil these tasks."

John added, “Reaching the interior of the target location has to be predominantly carried out by the local Christians. ICM(S) must come into strategic partnership with them; the local pastors, evangelists, and church planters. Our role is to provide training and teaching materials for them to carry out evangelism and church planting programs."



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